Agnes Mzyk, born in 1976, zodiac sign aquarius
Already as a child I had the desire to bring more beauty into the world and to help other people. This manifested itself professionally in my twenties, initially through interest in fashion and beautiful clothing. About five years later I was still working as an engineer in the apparel industry, but switched to sustainability. I travelled the world, looking at textile factories and the working conditions under which clothing was made. This made me think a lot, especially about how to improve our working conditions and the lives of all of us, no matter what part of the world we live in.
Awareness is very important. Less consumption through awareness e.g. and quality before quantity protect people, environment and resources. Consciousness, why we are in this world? How did we get to where we are today? Who are we actually? In my early thirties I was ready for a new way of awareness, wholeness and spirituality.
Among other things, I did a further training as systemic consultant at the alternative practitioners’ school in Würzburg as well as Reiki 1st and 2nd degree. I continued my education as a health practitioner (four years of study at the Fit for Life College) and worked intensively for ten years with the laws of life and nature. My high sensitivity, intuition and gift of clairvoyance were very helpful.
Since 2011 I have been bringing beauty into the world by helping other people to live a more beautiful, better and healthier life through a holistic approach that considers body, mind and soul.
I bring light into the darkness through clairvoyant counseling and soul journeys (recognizing unconscious beliefs and behavior patterns but also strengths and potentials, transforming anger, fear, suffering into peace, joy and trust).
A heartfelt thank you to all the people who have contacted me and placed their trust in me and to all the people whom I have been able to accompany over a longer period of time.
I would be happy if you would continue your life with motivation and a good feeling – with solutions in your hand luggage and confidence in your adventure life.
Your Agnes Mzyk